# Appwrite-Todo-App: [Appwrite](<https://appwrite.io>) [Hashnode](<https://hashnode.com>) Hackathon
## Team Details:
Name - Raghul Rajkumar.R
Hashnode : R.Raghul Rajkumar
LinkedIn - https://www.linkedin.com/in/rraghulrajkumar/
## Description of Project:
A todo app, short for a "to-do" app, is a software application designed to help individuals or teams manage their tasks, assignments, and projects. It provides a digital platform for creating, organizing, prioritizing, and tracking tasks in a convenient and efficient manner.
key features:
* Task Creation: Users can easily create new tasks by providing a title, description, due date, and other relevant details.
* Task Deletion.
* Task Organization.
* Search Option for searching the todos.
* Images can be added to the todos.
* All these Functionality is Connected with Appwrite Database.
## Tech Stack:
The tech stack of project:
- Next.js 13.4
- React
- TypeScript
- Zustand
- Appwrite Cloud
- Database - Appwrite Database creation is so simple and Easy to Implement.
- Cloud Functions - Node.js
- Vercel
## Public Code Repo:
git hub: https://github.com/RRaghulRajkumar/Appwrite-todo
## Demo Link:
Youtube - https://youtu.be/IvagAKZNClQ
Youtube Channel Name:Raghul Rajkumar
#Appwrite #AppwriteHackathon
Appwrite - https://appwrite.io
Hashnode - https://hashnode.com